10 août 2005

Back to normal

Normal in the sense that my camera is working again (and there are many a picture of bridges to prove it). Thank you for the concern, I should have said it was only the batteries.
We did few things today, mainly went to the Jardin des plantes (where we admittedly stayed for hours. Hours and hours and hours. And there's only so much glorified zoo I can take. Although I definitely recommend the Grande galerie de l'évolution) and went back on the cruise thing. Where we just plopped our butts down, I snapped all the pictures I wanted to take yesterday (lots of bridges, then), and my sister thought of dinner. Oh and I made scoubidous with darling niece.
Still tired though. As proof, once darling niece was safely tucked in bed, we watched - in rapid succession - Without a trace, CSI, and some really crap real TV. Oh dear, I've just stumbled upon it, haven't I? The real meaning of "Real TV". Really crap. Grand for brain-resting, though.

I had a couple bad news on the job-hunting and jobless fronts today, and it's not helping my creativity, but I'm sure a good night's sleep will fix this and i'll be back to my braindeadly optimistic self in no time...

Montmartre, tomorrow. Caricature, anyone?

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